Shimano MB-50 MacBeth 50F 2" 3/8oz Floating Clear G Craw

Availability: In stock (5)

The combination of an oversized Hybrid Edge square bill design, high buoyancy and fixed one-piece weight construction make the Macbeth 50F the optimal lure choice for heavy cover cranking when anglers need to downsize their presentation or size-match forage fish. More compact than the Macbeth (63mm), the MB-50F (50mm) features a Hybrid Edge square bill that creates an aggressive side-to-side wobble and incorporates a molded internal weight to keep it running true while recovering quicker. With a diving depth of 3 to 5 feet — ideal for making strike-inducing ground contact — the Macbeth 50 features a thick-diameter rear hook for added durability and increased hook-up ratios when fighting the toughest trophy bass.

Specs & Features

  • Hybrid Edge Square Bill
  • One-Piece Molded Weight
  • Fast Wobble and Rolling Action
  • Diving Depth: 3-5 Feet
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